The teen just doesn't have the same 'kind of love' for her stepmom as she does for her mother. Then I get to see her face fall and she'll start to cry,' she detailed. She will also ask if I want to do some mother/daughter mother's day event with her every year and I always say no. She tells me every year just before Mother's Day that she would love for me to call her on that day while I'm with mom. She's not upset that my brother considers her second best but it bothers her that I don't consider my mom. The teen explained her stepmom 'latched' onto her from the moment she met her dad and even used to try to dress in matching outfits. One thing about my stepmom that really makes me awkward around her is she always wanted to be the mom to a daughter and she has no girls,' she continued.
My stepmom is fine but she's just not my mom. It's my mom I want when I'm upset and stuff. The girl's parents have split custody, and although she has known her stepmom most of her life, she has never considered her stepmom 'equal' to her mom.